
Our Service Packages


Our service packages are designed from experience and tailored to your individual needs.  


Frequently Asked Questions

what is the password management you employ?

As part of the business services package you will be offered membership with the password management app that I employ to keep your business information safe. Whether or not you choose to use the membership, I will still keep your passwords safe there. 

What is end of month reporting

Your end of month reports will be tailored to your personal business needs. If you are a bookkeeping client they will be financial month end reports. If you are a Business Services Client you report could also include social media reporting, hour logs, project reports or anything we are focused on that month.

Do you create content?

The short of it is no. I work with many different kinds of business and find that you are the only person who knows your business well enough to tout it’s strengths. It’s my job to free up your time so that you can focus on content and business building.

What is the evaluation of business practices

I have created a extensive business evaluation to go through with you during setup. The evaluation not only starts us off on the right foot but also gives you a strong understanding of your own business. We will use the evaluation to identify areas we’d like to focus on. 


What is included in the setup fee?

The setup fee includes the setup of all necessary apps and communication channels and your first month of service. It also includes an initial business practices evaluation. The setup time will be intense for both of us but it will get us to a place where we can effectively evaluate how to begin our partnership.

Are you a Tech savvy?

I am! I’m not an engineer but I can work my way around a website and just about any tech problem I’ve run into. I expect to setup and manage many of your online apps and to deal with any tech issues you have.


Are you on call?

I am! If I can’t take your call immediately, you can expect a quick turn around. I live in Oregon and keep general office hours during the day but am happy to receive texts any time of day. I have had many clients on the east coast with no issues in time delay. 

are you a personal assistant

No, my business is focused solely on business services. It is my goal to partner with you in your business so that you can create a better work-life balance.

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